vendredi 31 octobre 2014

ETL TESTING Online Training in INDIA | USA

ETL TESTING Online Training is the one of the best online course thorough worldwide which is provided by SAP Centre. We are one of the most trusted online training institutes for learning ETL TESTING Online Training among the world. Our trainers are most efficient in their related field having real time experience of more than 10 years. We are dedicated in providing ETL TESTING Online Training by maintaining Global Standards according to the trainee requirements.

Some of the ETL TESTING Course topics that covered by our professionals:

1.What is ETL?

2.Data Extraction.

3.Data Transformation.

4.Data Loading.

5.Various types of ETL Tools.

6.Informatica from Informatica Corporation.

7.Datastage from IBM.

8.Overview of ETL Tools Architecture.

9.Process flow in ETL Testing.

10.Different Types of testing in ETL Testing

And many sub topics are there for more details please go through the website.

Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.

Contact Number: +91-8686984442,



SAP Workflow Online Training in USA | CANADA

The present scenario from the number of courses the SAP Workflow Course is playing a vital role in student future. So you need to take good decision while choosing the best institute, SAP Center Online Training Institute providing the best SAP Workflow Online Training when compare to the other Institutes. Because we have highly dedicated and experienced IT professionals as Trainers in SAP Workflow they gives a best output. We are also providing demo classes.

Some of the SAP Workflow Course topics that Cover by our professionals:

• Introduction to SAP

• Initial Workflow Configurations

• Business Objects


• Attributes, Events & Methods

• Inheritance & Delegation

• Tasks & Activities

• Tasks & Workflow Templates

• Container & Data binding

If you require further information on our Sap Center Courses please contact us.

Contact Details: +91 8686984442



LAN Colombia habilitará en noviembre 'modo avión'

Los pasajeros podrán utilizar sus dispositivos móviles en todas las fases del vuelo, incluyendo el despegue y el aterrizaje, en vuelos dentro del país, operados con aviones Airbus A320.

La aerolínea LAN Colombia habilitará a partir de este sábado el ‘modo avión’ para todas las fases de los vuelos internos, anunció este viernes la compañía.

LAN Colombia trabajó en conjunto con la Aeronáutica Civil para la implementación de esta tecnología a bordo en su flota e incluyó las pruebas necesarias para certificar cada uno de los aviones y mantener los estándares de seguridad, informó la empresa en un comunicado.

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polldaddy Código encuesta PollDaddy:

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CFD Holiday Trading Hours: November, 2014

CFD Holiday Trading Hours: November, 2014

The times listed below show the change to CFD trading instruments in ET/New York Time. (CFD trading is not available to residents of the United States)

For additional trading-related updates, please visit FXCM Platform Status.

You can find the rollover calendar on - Rollover Calendar

If you have specific questions about the holiday trading hours, please contact us by Live Chat, by phone at 1 (212) 897-7660, or by email at

Demography ate my homework on cheaper yen

John Dizard wonders if the Bank of Japan is setting up the world for another run of devaluation


Kurzer Marktüberblick 03.11.2014

Wochenausblick: Euro handelte zum Oktoberende zwischenzeitlich so tief wie zuletzt im

Wochenausblick: Euro handelte zum Oktoberende zwischenzeitlich so tief wie zuletzt im August 2012

( - Die Inflation der Eurozone stieg im Oktober auf 0,4%. Doch nachhaltig wurde mit der Veröffentlichung dem Kurs damit kein Druck entnommen. Durch die Bank hinweg handelte der US-Dollar heute unter den Devisen fester. Der Euro fiel gegen den Dollar zwischenzeitlich auf den tiefsten Stand seit August 2012.

Auch der November birgt zahlreiche

Wochenausblick: Euro handelte zum Obktoberende zwischenzeitlich so tief wie zuletzt i

Marktüberblick jetzt unter

Marktüberblick jetzt unter

Euro wir VPI-Daten möglicherweise missachten; NZ-Dollar tiefer nach Fall der Baugeneh

Der Euro wird die VPI-Daten vom Oktober möglicherweise missachten, denn der Einfluss auf die kurzfristige EZB-Politik ist nur begrenzt. Der Kiwi Dollar fiel nach einem Bericht mit schwachen Zahlen zu den Baugenehmigungen.


BoJ holt die Bazooka raus, der DAX im Liquiditätsrausch - nachhaltig?

( – Gestern runzelte ich noch über den optimistischen Verlauf der US-Aktienmärkte die Stirn und über das rasante Reversal, was der deutsche Leitindex nach dem Kurseinbruch am gestrigen Morgen hinlegte. Heute früh scheint alles dann ganz klar: einige Marktteilnehmer „rochen“ ganz offensichtlich, dass nach dem Ende der Anleiheaufkäufe der FED am Mittwoch eine andere Notenbank geldpolitisch aufs Gaspedal treten wird. Und mit der BoJ fand sich diese Notenbank, der DAX eröffnete fast 150 Punkte oberhalb der Hochs von gestern um 9.300 Punkte.


Αλλαγές στις ώρες συναλλαγών τον Νοέμβριο

Το παρακάτω πρόγραμμα περιλαμβάνει τις ώρες συναλλαγών στα CFDs όπως έχουν καθοριστεί από την FXCM. Σε περίπτωση που το επιβάλλουν οι συνθήκες στην αγορά, οι ώρες συναλλαγών μπορεί να αλλάξουν.

Οι αναγραφόμενες ώρες είναι σε ώρα Ελλάδας (GMT+2).

USD/CAD: Kanadisches Bruttoinlandsprodukt

Nippons Währung unter Druck – Bank of Japan pumpt weiteres Geld in die Wirtschaft

Nippons Währung unter Druck – Bank of Japan pumpt weiteres Geld in die Wirtschaft

Abwärtstrend in der europäischen Inflation gestoppt

Artikel: Abwärtstrend in der europäischen Inflation gestoppt

Das Morning Meeting im Live Stream - Jetzt LIVE!!!

Zur Teilnahme klicken, dann rechts und links den Play Button, fertig!

BoJ holt die Bazooka raus, der DAX im Liquiditätsrausch - nachhaltig?

Nähert sich die Inflation der Eurozone weiter der Null-Prozent-Linie?

Nähert sich die Inflation der Eurozone weiter der Null-Prozent-Linie?

( Um eine gefährliche Spirale rü ckläufiger Preise und schwindender Investitionen zu verhindern, wird die EZB womöglich noch weiter mobilisieren müssen. Schritte Konjunkturelle Erholungsbemühungen können durch das übermäßig tiefe Niveau in der Inflation abgewürgt werden. EZB-Chef Mario Draghi kündigte b

Trading Setup: Short USD/CNH

jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Oracle HRMS Online Training in INDIA | UK

We are proudly announcing that we are one of the leading Oracle HRMS Online Training providers from India. We are come to this field with passion and dedication and we are happy to say that we are proving Oracle HRMS Online Training since so many years. Our Professional Trainers in Oracle HRMS Online Training have more than 10 years of experience with real time projects. So from these definitely you will get best quality services from our Biginfosys.

Oracle HRMS Online Training Course Contents:

• Creating Application Users

• Functional Security and Application Security

• Creating role based Responsibilities

• Creating Custom Menus, Request Groups, Data Groups

• Creating and managing Concurrent Programs and Reports. Standard request submission(SRS)

• Profile Options in Oracle Applications

• Value Sets and Flex fields in Oracle Applications

• KFF and DFF

• Overview of Alerts and Workflow

If you require further information on our Biginfosys Courses please contact us.

Contact Details: USA: +1 720-463-3801, 720-463-3901



TABLEAU Online Training in USA | JAPAN

TABLEAU Online Training by Biginfosys giving you best opportunity to improve the chance of reaching your goals. We are providing all types of courses along with TABLEAU Online Training through online over the Worldwide with real time projects and also we have more than 10 years experience of IT professionals. So learning TABLEAU Online Training is the turning point for your bright future.

Some of the TABLEAU Course topics that covered by our professionals:

1.Overview of SQL Server 2008.

2.Overview of SQL Server Databases.

3.Overview and Syntax Elements of T-SQL.

4.Working with T-SQL Scripts.

5.Using T-SQL Querying Tools.

6.Starting and Using SQLCMD.

7.Using the SELECT Statement.

8.Filtering Data.

9.Working with NULL Values.

10.Formatting Result Sets.

And many sub topics are there for more details please go through the website.

Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.

Contact Number: USA: +1 720-463-3801, 720-463-3901



Príncipe Carlos admira la exuberancia de la región amazónica

Carlos y el presidente Santos estuvieron en al Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Chiribiquete, que ocupa casi 2,8 millones de hectáreas en el corazón de la Amazonía.

El príncipe de Gales visitó este jueves en compañía del presidente, Juan Manuel Santos, dos parques naturales en el sureste del país donde el heredero de la corona británica, defensor del medioambiente, apreció la exuberancia de la naturaleza amazónica.

Carlos de Inglaterra y Santos estuvieron en al Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Chiribiquete, que ocupa casi 2,8 millones de hectáreas en el corazón de la Amazonía, entre los departamentos de Guaviare y Caquetá.

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polldaddy Código encuesta PollDaddy:

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Menos del 20% de las familias ahorra

Este viernes se celebra el Día Mundial del Ahorro. En Colombia persisten las limitaciones.

El ahorro en Colombia supera los 130 billones de pesos, de los cuales menos de un tercio corresponde a los hogares.

Sin embargo, la capacidad de guardar parte de los ingresos sigue estando limitada, al punto que, en promedio, solo una de cada cinco familias ahorra.

Esta es parte del panorama del país hoy, que se celebra el Día Mundial del Ahorro. Dichos datos se desprenden de un estudio reciente elaborado por la firma EConcept para la entidad financiera Old Mutual.

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polldaddy Código encuesta PollDaddy:

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Fed caveats flag greater uncertainty

If investors simplify, data swings will have exaggerated effects on markets


Citigroup takes $600m hit on legal charge

Unforeseen bill cuts third quarter result from $3.4bn to $2.8bn


Price Action + Scalping + New Pricing Model (LLC)


This is an archive of the webinar that I had hosted October 29th, 2014 at 9AM.

We had quite a bit to discuss. We started off with an introduction of the new pricing model from FXCM. We then look at price action analysis and how that relates with supply and demand in the marketplace.

We then show how multiple time frame analysis can be used to work with price action on a variety of time frames, and we then move into how a trader can utilize this information in a 'scalping-based' approach.

We finish the session by introducting Mr. Aditya Singh of FXCM's London office to discuss how the new pricing model pertains to spread-betting and GBP-denominated traders.

If you'd like more information on the new pricing model, we discuss that in this article: The Importance of Transaction Costs

More information on the new commission structure can be found here: FXCM Pricing

Additional links shared during the webinar are available below the following video:

Links shared during the webinar:

The Forces of Supply and Demand

How to Attack Trends Using Price Action

The Number One Mistake that Forex Traders Make

Short-Term Momentum Trading in the FX Market

Price Action + Scalping + New Pricing Model (LTD)


This is an archive of the webinar that I had hosted October 29th, 2014 at 1PM.

We had quite a bit to discuss. We started off with an introduction of the new pricing model from FXCM. We then look at price action analysis and how that relates with supply and demand in the marketplace.

We then show how multiple time frame analysis can be used to work with price action on a variety of time frames, and we then move into how a trader can utilize this information in a 'scalping-based' approach.

We finish the session by introducting Mr. Aditya Singh of FXCM's London office to discuss how the new pricing model pertains to spread-betting and GBP-denominated traders.

If you'd like more information on the new pricing model, we discuss that in this article: The Importance of Transaction Costs

More information on the new commission structure can be found here: FXCM Pricing

Additional links shared during the webinar are available below the following video:

Links shared during the webinar:

The Forces of Supply and Demand

How to Attack Trends Using Price Action

The Number One Mistake that Forex Traders Make

Short-Term Momentum Trading in the FX Market

Kurzer Marktüberblick 31.10.2014

Euro wird deutsche Daten eventuell missachten; Dollar-Entgleisung durch US BIP-Rückga

Der Euro wird die deutschen Arbeitslosen- und Inflationsdaten möglicherweise missachten, während eine Verlangsamung des US BIP im dritten Quartal kaum zu einem größeren Rückgang beim Dollar führen dürfte.


Der DAX und die FED: Easing Come, Easing Go - aber wie gehts weiter?

( – Die US-Notenbank FED hat am Mittwochabend ihr Anleiheaufkaufprogramm QE3 auf 0 zurückgefahren. Aktienmärkte und der DAX reagierten wie erwartet, der deutsche Leitindex verlor den Kampf um die 9.100er Marke und dürfte sich mit negativen Vorzeichen aus dem Oktober verabschieden.


Trading Setup: Long USD/ZAR

Gold legt Rückschritt nach QE3 Ende ein

Marktüberblick jetzt unter

Marktüberblick jetzt unter

DAX nach der FED unter Druck und mit weiterem Abwärtspotential

"Rettet unser Schweizer Gold" - Gefahr für 1,20 EUR/CHF Interventionsgrenze?

SSI Speculative Sentiment Index - 30.10.2014

SSI Speculative Sentiment Index - 30.10.2014

US Dollar technische Analyse: Bullen holen sich Dominanz zurück

US Dollar technische Analyse: Bullen holen sich Dominanz zurück

Oracle ADF Online Training in India | UK | Canada | USA

Biginfosys is a leading IT ONLINE TRAINING portal which provides ONLINE TRAINING mainly on Oracle ADF Online Training Course along with all other IT courses. Our trainers are well experienced and highly talented in their Respective field. They are covered each and every topic related to Oracle ADF Online Training. Our online training is one of the best online training in India For any technology. We also help you in Resume Preparation and Project preparation, Job Placement Assistance after completion of Training.

Some of Oracle ADF topics Covered by our professionals:

Introduction to Fusion and ADF

• Oracle ADF and JDeveloper

• Oracle Fusion Middleware

• Oracle Fusion Architecture

• ADF and MVC

• More about ADF

Exploring JDeveloper

• JDeveloper 11g New Features

• Building ADF Application in JDeveloper

• Configuring JDeveloper Preferences

Database Schema Design

• JDeveloper 11g New Features

• Database Designing Tools in JDeveloper

• Creating Offline Objects

• Synchronize Online-Offline Database

And many more sub topics are there, for more details go to through the our Professional website

Should you require Free Demo on Oracle ADF Training & Wants any further information please contact us:

Contact Number: Contact USA: +1 720-463-3801, 720-463-3901



Dollar-Entgleisung durch US BIP-Rückgang unwahrscheinlich

Dollar-Entgleisung durch US BIP-Rückgang unwahrscheinlich




Cos'è il DailyFX Trade The News?

DailyFX Trade The News: trading live sulle News (calendario)

Trading dal vivo sulle news: commenteremo insieme la pubblicazione del dato e come sfruttare la price action del mercato.



Das Morning Meeting im Live Stream - Jetzt LIVE!!!

Zur Teilnahme klicken, dann rechts und links den Play Button, fertig!

27 - 31 OTTOBRE 2014

Per leggere il Morning Adviser , clicca qui

Per registrarti al Morning Meeting , clicca qui

Per seguire le Lezioni del Mercoledì , clicca qui

20 - 24 OTTOBRE 2014

Per leggere il Morning Adviser , clicca qui

Per registrarti al Morning Meeting , clicca qui

Per seguire le Lezioni del Mercoledì , clicca qui

EURUSD - US-BIP könnte restriktiven Kurs der Fed heute untermauern

EURUSD - US-BIP könnte restriktiven Kurs der Fed heute untermauern

( Der Dollar reagierte fest auf die Verkündung eines Ende der dritten Quantitative Easing Runde. Der Dollar-Geldstrom versiegt. Die Fed beschloss die im Rahmen der dritten Quantitative Easing Runde aufgelegten Ankäufe von Staatsanleihen und hypothekenbesicherten Wertpapieren (MBS/Mortgage-Backed Securities) zu beend ..

Trading Setup: Long NASDAQ

Der DAX und die FED: Easing Come, Easing Go - aber wie gehts weiter?

Asia bourses mixed after end of QE

Kospi and Jakarta Composite among the decliners


mercredi 29 octobre 2014

SAP BO Online Training in INDIA | CANADA

Biginfosys providing ultimate SAP BO Online Training by real time IT industry experts. Our training methodology is dealing with the real time projects. We are providing complete information related to SAP BO by covering each and every topic in the Training Time. We will support you during and after completion of SAP BO Online Training by clearing your doubts. We also provide top 100 interview questions & mock interviews for students.

Some of the SAP BO Course topics that covered by our professionals:

1.Data warehouse concepts.

2.Business objects XIR3 Suite.

3.Creating an ODBC connection to the course database.

4.Creating a universe.

5.Populating the universe structure.

6.Defining joins in a universe.

7.Understanding classes and objects.

8.Creating classes and objects.

9.Understanding measure objects.

10.Advanced Designer.

And many sub topics are there for more details please go through the website.

Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.

Contact Number: USA: +1 720-463-3801, 720-463-3901



ETL Testing Online Training in USA | CANADA

ETL Testing Online Training by Biginfosys providing the best Software training for various IT Courses. Among those one of the best course is ETL Testing Online Training. We are using innovative techniques in our teaching methodology. So Learners can grasp the subject easily from our highly experienced and certified trainers in ETL Testing. We are also providing regular classes, fast track classes, and weekend ETL Testing Online training classes as per student requirements.

ETL Testing Online Training Course Content:

• Data Ware Housing

• What is Data Ware House?

• Difference between OLTP and Data Ware Housing

• Data Acquisition

• Data Extraction

• Data Transformation

• Data Loading

• Data Marts

• Dependent Data Mart

If you require further information on our Biginfosys Courses please contact us.

Contact Details: USA: +1 720-463-3801, 720-463-3901





Ende der dritten Runde Quantitative Easing verkündet

( US-Notenbank Fed hat wie geplant, das Ende der im Rahmen der dritten Quantitative Easing Runde aufgelegten Ankäufe von Staatsanleihen und hypothekenbesicherten Wertpapieren (MBS/Mortgage-Backed Securities) heute verkündet. Seit Anfang des Jahres reduzierten die Notenbanker die zur Konjunkturbelebung aufgelegten Anleihekäufe bereits graduell.


Largest economies must fix the eurozone

Only peer pressure, opprobrium and fear will shake leaders up, write Olli Rehn and Jean Arthuis


New FX Spreads - EUR/USD 0.2 pips and USD/JPY 0.3 pips

Ragazzi quando anche da noi?

e quali condizioni ci sono?

Fed called labor market wrong: JPM’s Kelly (Video)

Discussing how stocks and bonds will react to the end of QE and if the bond market is priced correctly, with David Kelly, JPMorgan Funds…

Video link to the topic (detalis) >>>

Ende der dritten Runde Quantitative Easing verkündet

Ende der dritten Runde Quantitative Easing verkündet


Live Abdeckung des FOMC Zinsentscheids

Live Abdeckung des FOMC Zinsentscheids jetzt unter

Was ist für den DAX durch die FED heute zu erwarten?

( – Am Mittwochabend liegen alle Augen auf der FED (Live-Abdeckung ab 18:45 Uhr ohne Registrierung und KOSTENLOS unter


Is there a "right" way to adjust the spread on the new feed?


With the new price model that FXCM is/has moved to do you know if there is away to 'adjust' the new feed so it looks like the old one? Is there a typical spread adjustment that can be used on each pair? For example, it looks like you can add one pip on either side of EURUSD so it looks like the old one?


Was ist für den DAX durch die FED heute zu erwarten? - 29.10.2014

Trading Setup: Long USD/JPY

Resultat der US-Notenbankpolitik: potenzieller Druck im Goldpreis

Resultat der US-Notenbankpolitik: potenzieller Druck im Goldpreis

Am Mittwoch alle Augen auf der FED

( – Die durchwachsenen Wirtschaftsdaten aus den USA zum Wochenbeginn (mit Ausnahme des US Verbrauchervertrauens, das auf den höchsten Stand seit 2007 stieg) kommen der FED vor ihrem Zinsentscheid am Mittwochabend eventuell nicht ganz ungelegen, liefern sie doch eine Grundlage, auf der sich zumindest eine Beibehaltung der Nullzinspolitik bis ins Jahr 2016 argumentieren könnte.


Aufzeichnung der Morning Meetings vom 29.10.2014

Hallo Leute,

hier die Aufzeichnung unseres Morning Meeting vom 29.10.2014:

Lange Version des Morning Meetings (Komplett-Aufzeichnung):

Kurze Version des Morning Meetings (5 - 10 Minuten):

Viel Spaß und mit den besten Grüßen


SAP Workflow Online Training in India | UK | USA | Canada

Biginfosys providing Exclusive SAP Workflow Online Training - Faculty from Top MNC’s with highly skilled and certified domain expertise, will train and guide you with Real Time Applications. We give exclusive SAP Workflow Training materials, 24/7 Technical Support, We also help you in Resume Preparation and Project preparation, Job Placement Assistance after completion of Training.

Some of SAP Workflow Covered by our professionals:

• Introduction to SAP

• Initial Workflow Configurations

• Business Objects


• Attributes, Events & Methods

• Inheritance & Delegation

• Tasks & Activities

• Tasks & Workflow Templates

• Container & Data binding

• Activity Types

• Event Handling

• Event Linkage

• Event Trace

• Start Condition & Check Function Module

And many more sub topics are there, for more details go to through the our Professional website

Should you require Free Demo on SAP Workflow Training & Wants any further information please contact us:

Contact Number: Contact USA: +1 720-463-3801, 720-463-3901



NFP Contest November 2014

NFP Contest - What's your bet on next week's NFP report?

- Win a 30 minute coaching session with DailyFX Analyst Alejandro Zambrano or Lukman Otunuga.

Who wants to win a 30 minute coaching session? It's time for another contest!

To enter the contest is easy - share your view on this month's NFP numbers.

The current Bloomberg estimate is expecting a growth of 250k new jobs. The latest NFP outcome was 248k.

***The report will be released on November 7th - 2014, at 8:30 AM NY EST***

Share your view and tell us the reasons why you chose your estimate!



  • To participate you need to share your view of this month's monthly NFP change - Reply in this thread!

  • Please post only once and only posts before the outcome (8:30 AM NY ET) on Friday will be considered.

  • The member closest to the actual outcome will win

  • The member that posts the closest number First will win.

  • The coaching session will take place via Skype and will be in English.

  • The competition is restricted to members that primarily post in the English speaking section of the forum.

If you are currently not a member of this forum - Please use this link to sign up . It's free!

Click on reply below to get started.

Zinsentscheid der RBNZ

Comment revisioner une vidéo


Je n'arrive pas à revoir la vidéo du 28/10 sur les taux planchers sur votre site et elle ne semble pas être sur votre chaine Youtube.

Das Morning Meeting im Live Stream - Jetzt LIVE!!!

Zur Teilnahme klicken, dann rechts und links den Play Button, fertig!

Morning Setups jetzt unter

Morning Setups jetzt unter

EURUSD Euro - Short-Covering vor der US-Notenbankentscheidung

EURUSD Euro - Short-Covering vor der US-Notenbankentscheidung

( Der gestrige Tag erinnerte an den Wochenauftakt im EUR/USD. Nach dem der Euro gestern am Morgen tiefer gehandelt wurde, sorgten schwache US-Fundamentaldaten für einen Richtungswechsel und ein neues Tageshoch. Auch im September gingen die Auftragseingänge der Gebrauchsgüter in den USA unerwartet...

Am Mittwoch alle Augen auf der FED - 29.10.2014

Unterstützungen und Widerstände des 29. Oktober

Asia stocks firm ahead of Fed decision

Focus on key meeting at which US Federal Reserve expected to end quantitative easing programme


Deutsche Bank swings to €94m third-quarter loss

Litigation charges continue to take toll on German lender



Ordini di beni durevoli a -1.3% su base mensile (-0.2% se non si contano i trasporti) e fiducia dei consumatori ben al di sopra delle aspettative, a 94.5 contro un precedente 89 ed un atteso 87. Questi gli ultimi dati rilasciati sul fronte americano senza che siano avvenute reazioni particolari sia per quanto concerne i listini azionari, sia per quanto riguarda il valutario che ha tentato degli aumenti di volatilità, soprattutto su sterlina, dollaro canadese e dollaro neozelandese, senza tuttavia riuscire a compiere movimenti importanti dal punto di vista della direzionalità. Un quadro del genere descrive una situazione di forte attesa per l’appuntamento di questa sera, dove la Yellen ed il Committee della Federal Reserve decideranno se tarpare del tutto le ali al Quanitative Easing ancora in atto per una cifra pari a 15 miliardi di dollari al mese oppure se rimandare questa decisione, in virtù degli ultimi dati che vedono una disoccupazione in miglioramento con uno screening di tutti gli altri indicatori economici però non proprio soddisfacente, se guardiamo le aspettative dei membri del direttivo, con l’inflazione in primis che ha mostrato un rallentamento sugli ultimi due mesi, attestandosi all1.7%. La scelta sarà quella relativa al rispetto delle aspettative degli investitori, che attualmente hanno iniziato a scontare la fine delle iniezioni di liquidità con tassi ancorati all’interno del corridoio 0-0.25% almeno fino ad aprile 2015, scelta che potrebbe essere propedeutica a tentativi di salita ulteriori delle borse prima di cercare eventuali prese di profitto che potrebbero (ogni volta che dovessero verificarsi) essere propedeutiche a partenze di storni definitivi. Nel momento in cui la Fed dovesse decidere di non procedere con la fine del processo di tapering invece, le salite che ci attendiamo potrebbero presto portare a nuovi massimi sui listini americani. Appuntamento alle ore 19 (ricordiamoci di essere disallineati rispetto agli orari americani durante il passaggio all’ora solare).

EurUsd: il mercato potrebbe cercare i supporti nell’area passante tra 1.2715 e 1.2700, tenendo conto che ritorni sotto area 1.2685 potrebbero risultare propedeutici a storni verso 1.2660 ed in estensione 1.2640. Nel momento in cui dovessimo assistere al superamento dei massimi di ieri con stocastico orario lontano dall’ipercomprato potremmo attenderci potenziali estensioni in area 1.2780 sulla quale valutare eventuali formazioni di divergenze ribassiste a 4 ore.

UsdJpy: situazione tecnica non molto pulita per UsdJpy, con i prezzi a tentare nuovi massimi per il momento non riusciti, senza che si siano formati dei minimi decrescenti. Possibili aumenti di volatilità da una parte o dall’altra del mercato dunque, con area 107.60/80 che potrebbe fungere da supporto sul quale pensare ad eventuali acquisti di dollaro (nel momento in cui l’area dovesse essere raggiunta con uno stocastico vicino alla zona di ipervenduto), con l’idea che in caso di superamento ribassista di area 107.35 il mercato potrebbe tentare delle accelerazioni verso zona 107.10 ed in estensione 106.90. Nel momento in cui i prezzi dovessero superare area 10.20 potrebbe essere il caso di ragionare su anticipazioni di rotture che potrebbero condurre le quotazioni oltre 108.35.

GbpUsd: prendendo a riferimento un 4 ore, troviamo la zona che si estende tra 1. 6110 e 1.6130 che potrebbe intervenire come supporto, area oltra la quale (operativamente cureremo i livelli passanti intorno a 1.6075) il mercato potrebbe tentare delle estensioni verso figura. Nel momento in cui i prezzi dovessero resistere sopra i supporti potremmo attenderci dei tentativi di raggiungimento di area 1.6185, con possibili estensioni verso 1.6225 dove curare eventuali formazioni di una divergenza ribassista a 4 ore.

AudUsd: se si dovesse formare una divergenza a 4 ore con i prezzi sotto area 0.8900 essa ci fornirebbe la possibilità di valutare vendite di australiano , che potrebbero prendere corpo ne momento in cui il mercato dovesse stornare sotto area 0.8825. Fino a quando il mercato dovesse mantenersi sopra quest’area potrebbe fornire la possibilità di valutare posizionamenti long (a partire da area 0.8840) per ritorni sui massimi, oltre i quali occorrerebbe comunque proteggere posizionamenti corti o lasciare correre parte dei posizionamenti lunghi,, in quanto superamenti di essi potrebbero condurre verso 0.9925, area che potrebbe intervenire come resistenza.

Dax, oro ed altri strumenti finanziari all'interno del nostro Morning Meeting.

Partecipa dal tuo PC al MORNING MEETING delle ore 9.30 , dove si analizzeranno i livelli chiave di mercato in diretta. Registrati alla LIVE TRADING ROOM

Spreads prior to the introduction of spreads + commissions pricing model

I would like a list of the spreads on currency pairs that were valid until the 24th October 2014, before the introduction of the spreads + commission pricing model.

I would like to compare the previous spreads to the current spreads.

Also with this information I will be able to compare my previous transaction costs with the new transaction costs under the spreads-plus-commission pricing model.

The previous spreads were available on the FXCM site but have since been removed.

Thank you


(from Australia)

mardi 28 octobre 2014

MSBI Online Training in UK | USA

MSBI Online Training is the one of the best online course thorough worldwide which is provided by Biginfosys online training institute. Our training methodology is very unique when compare to the all online training institutes. We have excellent IT Experts with above 10 years experience for MSBI Online Training. We are providing training through the online for MSBI Online Training according to the student requirements.

MSBI Online Training Course Content:

OLAP Modeling:

• Modeling source schemas—stars and snowflakes

• Understanding dimensional modeling— Dimensions (Type 1, 2, or 3) or rapidly changing

• Understanding fact (measures) and cube modeling

• Other types of modeling—data mining etc…

Using SSAS in BIDS:

• Understanding the development environment

• Creating Data Sources and Data Source Views

• Creating cubes – using the UDM and the Cube Build Wizard

• Refining Dimensions and Measures in BIDS

If you require further information on our Biginfosys Courses please contact us.

Contact Details: USA: +1 720-463-3801, 720-463-3901



Spread and Commission Change impacting Backtesting Results

Hi all,

I have noticed that the historical prices have been impacted by the commission change. Is there anyway to have the historical prices the same as what they used to be?

Also, can someone please show me how the Strategy Backtester now handles commissions outside the spread? I don't see the commissions anywhere in the results, and they do not look like they are being subtracted from the final PnL.



a couple quick and easy questions i need help with

hello all,

i am brand new to forex. Im kind of taking a small class to figure the basics out before i go any further.

who are retail forex brokers and whats their main purpose? what are the top 20 or so of them? is there a website i can go to

also, what are the key differences between these brokers? like what are the top 5 categories between each broker that you would compare when making a decision? I assume i will be picking one in the future to trade with....

also, i was told to take a look a the differences between the companies Oanda and Capital Gain.

if someone could steer me in the right direction or give me a couple pointers it would be appreciated.

i know these questions would be ridiculously easy to answer for any trader.


Aktienmarkt vor der Probe – Quantitative Lockerung vor dem Aus

( Die Politik des leichten Geldes ist kein Allheilmittel und wird nicht unbefristet zur Verfügung stehen. Der morgige Zinsentscheid der US-Notenbank ist hier in der Lage, dies den Anlegern wieder vor Augen zu führen. Denn das Szenario, dass die US-Notenbanker vorerst an den Staatsanleihe-Ankäufen festhalten, werte ich als eher unwahrscheinlich.


Kurzer Marktüberblick 29.10.2014

( -Übersicht der Wirtschaftsdaten und der Analysen, Wochenausblicke und der Sentiment-Betrachtungen.


Stops sur renfort


sur une paire x, je suis à l'achat à 1.5000 avec un stop 100 à 1.4900 sous un support à 1.4950 le cours baisse à 1.4950 et je renforce avec un deuxième achat, que faire du stop? 1.4900? stop initial ou 1.4875 100 pips de la moyenne des deux achats?

Kurzer Marktüberblick 29.10.2014

Dollar rutscht zusammen mit Volatilität bei sich näherndem FOMC-Entscheid

US Dollar technische Analyse: Erneuter Test des vormaligen Widerstands


Un appuntamento per preparare l'appuntamento alle ore 19.00 con la Federal Reserve americana, dove si deciderà sul tapering e sui tassi di interesse senza che verrà tenuta la conferenza stampa da parte della Yellen.


Calendario 27 - 31 Ottobre 2014

Gentile trader,


Per RIVEDERE LE REGISTRAZIONI degli eventi sulle news, clicca qui

Trading Setup: Short EUR/GBP

Aktienmarkt vor der Probe – Quantitative Lockerung vor dem Aus

Aktienmarkt vor der Probe – Quantitative Lockerung vor dem Aus

Marktüberblick jetzt unter

Marktüberblick jetzt unter

Dollar rutscht zusammen mit Volatilität bei sich näherndem FOMC-Entscheid

Wie die US Aktienindizes war der US Dollar in der Eröffnungssession der Woche kaum verändert.


DAX: Antizipation hawkisher FED? 8.800 im Fokus

( – Wie gestern von mir erwartet, sollte der DAX Schwierigkeiten an der 9.100 Marke haben. Tatsächlich kam es ausgehend von diesem Level zu nachgebenden Notierungen, aber zu keinem Bruch der 8.800er Marke. Am Dienstag hängt von dieser 8.800er Marke ab, ob es zu einem Drop in Richtung der 8.840 / 680er Marke noch vor der FED kommt.


Hadoop Online Training in India | UK | USA | Canada

Sun IT Labs is a leading training institute providing real-time and placement oriented Hadoop Online Training Courses in Hyderabad. Our Hadoop Online Training course includes basic to Hadoop levels. we have a team of certified trainers who are working professionals with hands on real time Hadoop projects knowledge which will provide you an edge over other training institutes.

Some of Hadoop Covered by our professionals:

The Motivation for Hadoop

• Problems with traditional large-scale systems

• Data Storage literature survey

• Data Processing literature Survey

• Network Constraints

• Requirements for a new approach

• Hadoop: Basic Concepts

• What is Hadoop?

• The Hadoop Distributed File System

• Hadoop Map Reduce Works

• Anatomy of a Hadoop Cluster

• Hadoop demons

• Master Daemons

• Name node

• Job Tracker

• Secondary name node

• Slave Daemons

HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System)

• Blocks and Splits

• Input Splits

• HDFS Splits

And many more sub topics are there, for more details go to through the our Professional website

Should you require Free Demo on Hadoop Training & Wants any further information please contact us:

Contact Number: USA+1 512 234 3553,



Aufzeichnung des Webinars Morning Setups 28.10.2014

Aufzeichnung des Webinars Morning Setups 28.10.2014

Sverige Riksbank senkt den Leitzins auf 0%

SSI Speculative Sentiment Index - 28.10.2014

SSI Speculative Sentiment Index - 28.10.2014

EURUSD - Versiegen des Geldstroms der Fed sollte Dollar stärken

EURUSD - Versiegen des Geldstroms der Fed sollte Dollar stärken

Trading Setup: Long GBP/JPY

lundi 27 octobre 2014

HADOOP Online Training in USA | CANADA

Biginfosys provides valuable real world scenario-based Online HADOOP Training developed by the core architects, operators of Apache Hadoop. All our trainers are skilled trainers and in addition have the real time experience with proven track record in HADOOP Online Training. We trouble shoot your problems while you are working, we address your questions during the Online HADOOP Training even after the course completion.

Some of the HADOOP Course topics that covered by our professionals:

BIG Data Hadoop Architecture:

1.Introduction to BIG Data Hadoop.

2.Parallel Computers vs. Distributed Computing technique.

3.Hadoop Installation on your system.

4.How to install Hadoop cluster on multiple nodes.

Hadoop Developer Tasks:

1.Writing a Map-Reduce programme.

2.Reading and writing data using HDFS.

3.Java BIG Data Hadoop Eclipse integration.

4.Mapper in details.

And many sub topics are there for more details please go through the website.

Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.

Contact Number: USA: +1 303 495 3408,



Best Cognos Online Training in INDIA | UK

Cognos Online Training is the one of the best course for your better future. But all institutes are may not be provide best output. So you need to take good decision in choosing the best institute, Biginfosys Online Training Institute providing the best Cognos Online Training when compare to the other Institutes. We have Highly Experienced professionals for best Output in Cognos Online Training.

Cognos Online Training Course Content:


• About Cognos 8 BI

• Architecture

• Cognos Features

• Difference between Cognos Other OLAP tools

• Cognos Release

Cognos Connections:

• How to Connect to different Data Sources

• How to Provide Security to the Package

• Import and Export of Package (Deployment)

• Running the Report Burn

• Scheduling

If you require further information on our Biginfosys Courses please contact us.

Contact Details: USA: +1 303 495 3408



Twitter duplica sus ingresos, pero no convence al mercado

Las acciones de la red social se han depreciado un 24 % este año y se negocian alrededor de los 43 dólares, tras alcanzar máximos de 74,73 dólares a finales de diciembre del 2013.

La red social Twitter anunció este lunes que sus ingresos del tercer trimestre se duplicaron, hasta 361 millones de dólares, pero no convenció al mercado tras anticipar previsiones peores de lo esperado para los próximos meses. "Hemos registrado otro trimestre muy sólido", aseguró en un comunicado de prensa el consejero delegado de Twitter, ---- Costolo.

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polldaddy Código encuesta PollDaddy:

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Galerías/Diez maneras de ser mejor en su trabajo

Video Movil:



Esto es lo que le recomienda Forbes para que cada día sea mejor en lo que hace.


Kurzer Marktüberblick 28.10.2014

( -Übersicht der Wirtschaftsdaten und der Analysen, Wochenausblicke und der Sentiment-Betrachtungen.


Big hedge funds suffer brutal October

Macro funds dented by reversal in recent rise of US dollar


IO2GResponseListener question


I use ForexConnect C++ API, NonTableManager.

From time to time I get timeout errors, usually while trying to close a market order.

I am trying to understand now where is the mistake.

For example in sample at:


the steps are simple:

1) create and subscribe a SessionStatusListener object

2) login

3) create and subscribe a ResponseListener object

4) get offer, get login rules, create order request, send request, wait, print result

5) unsubscribe registered ResponseListener

6) usubscribe registered SessionStatusListener

Can I consider the SessionStatusListener (1), and ResponseListener (3) persistent objects ?

Currently I create them only once during the same session (IO2GSession*)

At step (4) I keep the program alive with a while loop and a sleep 1sec, followed by possible calls: GetOffer, CreateMarketOrder, CloseMarketOrder, until CTRL-C is pressed, or console window closed.

The exit is done clean, with steps 5 and 6.

Should I preserve only the SessionStatusListener object and for each request should I create a new ResponseListener ?

Is it common thing to get disconnected ?

What is the best practice in this situation ? When I get a timeout , should I logout + login again ?

Approximately, at the time a dialog box popped out in TS2 announcing a webinar, I saw the timeout error in the console window executing on a separate computer without any TS2 installed.


Crude oil flirts with $80 level… (Video)

Matt Smith, Schneider Electric, breaks down the play in the energy complex. And Boris Schlossberg, BK Asset Management, provides his take on German confidence…

Video link to the topic (detalis) >>>

COT-Übersicht: Haltung der Finanzinvestoren vor dem FOMC Zinsentscheid bleibt ..

COT-Übersicht: Haltung der Finanzinvestoren vor dem FOMC Zinsentscheid bleibt vorsichtig - risikoärmere Assets gefragter

Kurzer Marktüberblick 28.10.2014

Euro sieht über EZB-Stresstest hinweg auf Ergebnisse der Anleihekäufe

Der Euro schien vom Stresstest der EZB unbeeindruckt zu sein. Die Märkte schauen nun nach vorn auf die Bekanntgabe der Ergebnisse zu den Käufen von gedeckten Anleihen in der letzten Woche.


Gerhards Wochenausblick USD/JPY - 27.10.2014

Trading Setup: Short Silber

COT Webinar jetzt unter

COT Webinar jetzt unter

US-Dollar Index mit Bruch der Trendfortsetzungsformation

US-Dollar Index mit Bruch der Trendfortsetzungsformation

US Dollar technische Analyse: Verarbeitung des Oberseiten-Breakout

US Dollar technische Analyse: Verarbeitung des Oberseiten-Breakout

USDJPY blickt auf neue Hochs nach weniger expansivem FOMC und mehr BoJ-Lockerung

USDJPY blickt auf neue Hochs nach weniger expansivem FOMC und mehr BoJ-Lockerung

Gold Wochenausblick

Gold Wochenausblick

Aufzeichnung Webinar Morgendliche Setups 27.10.2014

Aufzeichnung Webinar Morgendliche Setups 27.10.2014

Global turbulence triggers flight from EM

$9bn removed from stocks and shares across Africa, Latin America, eastern Europe and Asia


Bourses rise after ECB stress tests

Check on health of European banks allays concerns over fragility of region’s economy


EUR/USD - Erwartungen an die deutsche Konjunktur könnten sich vom tiefsten Niveau sei

EUR/USD - Erwartungen an die deutsche Konjunktur könnten sich vom tiefsten Niveau seit Dez. 2012 heben

EURUSD 27102014 005

( Die Woche der potenziellen Impulsgeber für den EUR/USD wird mit den um zehn erscheinenden ifo-Kennzahlen zum Stand und den Erwartungen an die deutsche Konjunktur eingeleitet. Unbeeindruckt vom Stresstest der Banken der EZB konnte der EUR/USD positiv in die Woche starten...

Morning Setups jetzt unter

Morning Setups jetzt unter

Unterstützungen und Widerstände der Woche vom 27.- 31. Oktober

dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Best INFORMATICA Online Training in INDIA | UK

Biginfosys provide dedicated specialized INFORMATICA Online Training, which has ample of opportunities in current software industry and supports the learners to enrich their knowledge with up-to-date information. Online INFORMATICA Training also offers them quality guidelines to improve their knowledge. We provide the INFORMATICA Online Training to the learners in different concepts and modes to be the vital in the current IT market.

Some of the INFORMATICA Course topics that covered by our professionals:

1.Overview Data warehousing.

2.Basic Definitions.

3.Various Informatica products.

4.Informatica Architecture.

5.Tools & their roles.

6.Folders-Sub folders.

7.Power center.

8.Informatica designer.

9.Mapping Introduction.

10.Source Qualifier.

And many sub topics are there for more details please go through the website.

Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.

Contact Number: USA: +1 303 495 3408,



OBIEE Online Training in INDIA | CANADA

OBIEE Online Training by Biginfosys, We have more than 10 years experience of IT professions for good training in OBIEE Online. Our OBIEE Experts Covers each and every topic related to the courses like OBIEE Online. And we have ultimate techniques to cover the total information. So definitely you will get great experience with our professionals. Please don’t lose this ultimate opportunity.

OBIEE Online Training Concept Content:

• Oracle BI Enterprise Edition Overview

• Exploring Oracle BI Enterprise Edition User Interfaces

• Oracle BI Enterprise Edition Architecture

• Oracle BI Applications Overview Repository Basics

• Building the Physical Layer of a Repository

• Building the Business Model and Mapping

• Layer of a Repository

• Building the Presentation Layer of a Repository

If you require further information on our Biginfosys Courses please contact us.

Contact Details: USA: +1 303 495 3408



Fed set to strike dovish tone if QE ends

Slower expansion expected with release of latest estimate of US GDP


Short-term Euro Rebound Due as Data Improves, Stress Tests Pass

If there was ever a chance for the Euro to take advantage of near-term conditions, the moment may be ripe for the elusive Euro short covering rally. The fuel here, of course, is the stretched futures market positioning.


Con simuladores de crisis, las empresas escogen a los CEO

La estrategia se llama ‘gamificación’. Es una especie de fogueo virtual usado por las multinacionales para elegir a los mejores cuadros directivos, por medio de situaciones hipotéticas o juegos de rol.

Imagine que usted es un gerente que busca ascender en su vida profesional y se lanza a conseguir un alto cargo en una multinacional. Llega a la entrevista y una hermosa mujer, de esbeltas piernas e impecablemente vestida, le pide que ingrese a una de las salas de la empresa.

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polldaddy Código encuesta PollDaddy:

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“Tenemos una perspectiva positiva para Colcap en Colombia"

Diego Mora, director para Colombia de BlackRock, cree que el mercado de acciones en el país tiene un buen futuro.

Después de un periodo de buen comportamiento en el mercado accionario colombiano entre febrero y agosto, seguido de una leve corrección en septiembre, Diego Mora, director para Colombia de BlackRock, el mayor gestor de activos en el mundo, comparte sus perspectivas para el mercado de acciones colombianas y plantea cómo los ETF (exchangeable traded fund) pueden ser un vehículo eficiente para posicionarse en el mercado.

Para BlackRock ¿cuáles son las expectativas respecto al rendimiento del Colcap?

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samedi 25 octobre 2014

Agenda cultural para el fin de semana

Espectáculos, arte, cine y música. Bogotá se adapta a todos los gustos este fin de semana.


El famoso grupo canadiense hará 23 funciones de este espectáculo en la Gran Carpa del Salitre Mágico.

‘Corteo’, un espectáculo escrito y dirigido por el suizo Daniele Finzi Pasca en el que un payaso trata de escenificar su propio funeral, será la producción con la que el famoso Cirque du Soleil regresará a Bogotá.

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polldaddy Código encuesta PollDaddy:

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Miden políticas de empresas frente a empleados LGBT

La encuesta ofrece datos para que las compañías puedan medir el avance de esta estrategia.

IBM (86 por ciento), Dow (80 por ciento), BNP Paribas (76 por ciento), Shell (73 por ciento) y Cisco Systems (67 por ciento), son las primeras en la lista de organizaciones por sus políticas y prácticas de inclusión LGBT (-------as, gays, bi---uales y tran---uales), según la encuesta de referencia global de Workplace Pride Foundation, fundada hace ocho años.

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polldaddy Código encuesta PollDaddy:

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Altos ejecutivos, a toda prueba

Ante la decisión de las empresas de foguear a los gerentes, estos han comenzado a prepararse.

Debido al auge que ha tenido la ‘gamificación’ para la selección de gerentes y CEO en las grandes compañías, los empresarios colombianos han acudido a las denominadas ‘escuelas de ‘gamificación’. Una de ellas, ADEN Business School ha ofrecido en el país un total de 32 ‘gamificadores’ de negocios que están en organizaciones como Expedition, Cold War, Pulse y Gestión de riesgos de proyectos, entre otras.

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polldaddy Código encuesta PollDaddy:

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is there a way to use the functionality from python?



DATASTAGE Online Training in INDIA | USA

DATASTAGE Online Training by Biginfosys is the best opportunity for students. DATASTAGE is one of the most preferable Courses in the present scenario. DATASTAGE Online Training will be given to both fresher’s and experienced people according to their desired requirements in flexible timings. Our DATASTAGE trainers come with vast work experience and teaching skills. We are in to this field with passion, so our DATASTAGE Training Online is regarded as the one of the best Online Training in the World.

Some of the DATASTAGE Course topics that covered by our professionals:

1.Introduction about Data Stage.

2.Difference between Server Jobs and Parallel Jobs.

3.Difference between Pipeline Parallelisms.

4.Partition techniques.

5.Configuration File.

6.Difference between SMP/MPD architecture.

7.Data Stage Components.

8.Package Installer.

9.Data Stage Administrator.

10.Data stage director.

And many sub topics are there for more details please go through the website.

Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.

Contact Number: USA: +1 303 495 3408,



Abinitio Online Training in INDIA | USA

Abinitio Online Training by biginfosys Online Training Institute giving you an ultimate opportunity for your better future. Abinitio Online Training is the one of the best online course presenting by biginfosys. We have extraordinary highly experienced IT professionals as trainers this will help you a lot to improve your knowledge in related courses. So from these definitely you will reach your goals easily.

Abinito Online Training Course Content:

• Abinitio Course Contents

• Introduction to Abinitio

• Abinitio Architecture

• Graph Programming

• Introduction to .dat and .dml files

• Partition Components

• Deportation Components

• Multifile System(MFS)

• Types of parallelism

• Layouts

• Sort Components

If you require further information on our biginfosys Courses please contact us.

Contact Details: USA: +1 303 495 3408



vendredi 24 octobre 2014

Allegorie del Trading

A che cosa associate il trading?

Molti parlano di guerra, di combattere, di battaglia. Poi ci sono i navigatori, i pescatori, quelli che aspettano pazientemente che il pesce abbocchi, ma potrebbero essere anche i cacciatori, appostati per ore in attesa della preda. Oppure il trader è come un predatore, che si avvicina furtivo strisciando al suolo, o piombando dall'alto.

L'idea del trading come il royal rumble nel wrestilng è forse quella più diffusa, un tutti contro tutti dove ci si mena di santa ragione, un vero e proprio fight club dove anche il grigio impiegato in doppio petto può scaraventare al tappeto l'avversario con una serie di colpi ben piazzati. E qui viene in mente la similitudine con la boxe: la guardia, le schivate, il tempismo, la capacità di incassare, la castagna, ecc..

Ognuno si crea la sua rappresentazione di questà attività.

Ultimamente, la associo con il calcio: la fase difensiva, quella offensiva, mandare fuori gioco l'avversario, puntare sulla squadra più equilibrata, tenere bene il campo. E questo deriva forse dallo stile di trading. Però ho notato che se ci sposta da un'idea stressante basata sul "io vinco tu perdi" ad una più rilassante, come guardare una partita di pallone con un occhio distaccato (ad esempio real madrid-barcellona) puntando su una delle due squadre solo perché gioca meglio e ci piace di più, la cosa riesce più facile.

A che cosa vi fa pensare il trading? Attendo con curiosità le vostre suggestioni.

Deutsche Bank to set aside further €1bn

Lender warns damage from global probes could impact results


IMF introduces floor on interest rates

Aggressive monetary easing threatened to turn it negative


Britisches Pfund könnte Woche nach UK-BIP mit einem Knall abschließen

Nachdem ein Großteil des FX Markts die letzten 24 Stunden der Handelswoche wegen der wichtigen Agenda nächster Woche vernachlässigen, gibt es eine Hauptwährung, die immer noch eine fundamentale Aufrüttelung bringen könnte.


Pfund wird wohl aufgrund abschwächender Wetten auf Zinserhöhung der BoE fallen, falls

Das Britische Pfund wird voraussichtlich fallen, falls schwache UK BIP-Zahlen für das dritte Quartal die Erwartungen auf eine Zinserhöhung der Bank of England untergraben.


Matteo e Davide

Volevo espiremere pubblicamente apprezzamento per Matteo e Davide che sono molto professionali e disponibili. Veri professionisti che trattano i propri clienti e tutte le persone che si avvicinano a questa attività, in maniera professionale e seria.

Vi seguo sempre ma devo ancora imparare moltissime cose. Grazie

Kurzer Marktüberblick 27.10.2014



2014/10/21 08:45分,我卖出一迷你手UK100,到今天为止,已经亏损六十多个点。但最令我心痛的是,被福汇收取了-1.16美元的过夜利息。而报价窗口明明显示,卖出UK100利息是零。而买入利息是-0.30.请教为何我卖出也要被收取利息呢?

而且被收取了这么多,我今天交易了十六次,也才赚到三美金多点。所以请福汇不要收取标示为零的货币对的利息。谢谢 。

Marktüberblick jetzt unter

Marktüberblick jetzt unter

Trading Setup: Short Silber

EUR/USD - Fed: Zinserhöhungsfantasien ausgestoppt oder katalysiert?

EUR/USD - Fed: Zinserhöhungsfantasien ausgestoppt oder katalysiert?

( Das Konsumklima in Deutschland stieg laut den heute veröffentlichten GfK-Umfrageergebnissen zuletzt an. Zu Beginn der nächsten Woche wird sich am Montag zeigen...

Der große Imperator FED: senkt diese den Daumen für den DAX in der kommenden Woche?

Comment enlever les


Sur les graphes, je souhaitais savoir s'il était possible de ne pas afficher Par défaut l'étiquette correspondant à une position ouverte.

J'ai cherché dans les "Options" et ne vois rien qui me permette de ne pas afficher l'étiquette d'un ordre ouvert.

Je sais bien qu'en cliquant droit sur la position, il y a moyen de cacher l'étiquette. Mais cela n'est que temporaire, et si je ferme la plateforme et l'ouvre de nouveau, toutes les étiquettes précédemment cachées s'affichent de nouveau.

En clair, ma demande est : Peut-on cacher les étiquettes des positions ouvertes de façon Permanente sur les graphes ?

Merci de votre retour.

Aufzeichnung der Morning Meetings vom 24.10.2014

Hallo Leute,

hier die Aufzeichnung unseres Morning Meeting vom 24.10.2014:

Lange Version des Morning Meetings (Komplett-Aufzeichnung):

Viel Spaß und mit den besten Grüßen


USD/JPY - Ein Überblick

Analyst Picks 24.10.2014

US futures dip on Ebola concerns

European stocks soft and Bund yields fall


Contraloría auditará gastos destinados a paz y posconflicto

Edgardo Maya dijo que buscará que no haya malversación y que la plata vaya a la atención de víctimas.

El Contralor General de la República, Edgardo Maya Villazón, anunció este jueves que hará auditorías especializadas para verificar “que cada peso asignado por el Estado colombiano a los propósitos de paz se ejecute de manera oportuna, transparente y eficiente”.

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polldaddy Código encuesta PollDaddy:

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Aufzeichnung des Webinars Morning Setups 01.10.2014

Das Morning Meeting im Live Stream - Jetzt LIVE!!!

Zur Teilnahme klicken, dann rechts und links den Play Button, fertig!

Morning Setups

Morning Setups

EURUSD - Abwärtstrend im deutschen Konsumklima gestoppt

EURUSD - Abwärtstrend im deutschen Konsumklima gestoppt

( Die GfK-Prognose zum deutschen Verbrauchervertrauen für den November konnte heute früh überzeugen. Erst gestern wiesen die Einkaufsmanagerindizes sowohl für Deutschland wie auch der Eurozone auf ein anziehendes Wachstum. Auch das Vertrauen der Verbraucher hierzulande zog im Oktober ..

Trading Setup: Long USD/JPY

Als wenn nichts gewesen ist - Windbeutel-Alarm im DAX? - 24.10.2014

jeudi 23 octobre 2014

Journal de Fabrice Baron

Bonjour, j'ouvre mon journal pour mettre mes résultats, je fais beaucoup Cac 40, et un peu de forex ( usd/jpy, aud/usd, eur/usd etc... )

J'espère que ca me motivera a avoir de meilleurs résultats, je trade avec peu en réel ( 100 euro ), si je gagne plus, je mettrai plus, j'ai fait la formation de Jean Louis Cussac et je le suis sur BFM bussiness ( S/R )

Les derniers trades puis j'ai perdu genre 10 euro puis regagner 2/3 euro j'ai pas les chiffres, je ferai plus précis les prochaines fois.

Rouble tumbles to new dollar lows

Currency’s decline follows Rosneft request for more than Rbs2tn of state cash


Retención en la fuente en el 2015

La Dian deberá expedir resolución por la cual se fija la Unidad de Valor Tributario del próximo año.

Tras la terminación del cronograma de pagos del impuesto de renta de las personas naturales, este miércoles, los contribuyentes ya tienen que empezar a echar números para saber si empezarán a ser sujetos de la retención en la fuente como empleados, o si los que ya aportan mensualmente este anticipo del impuesto de renta tendrán algún incremento.

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Aufzeichnung: Speculative Sentiment Index

Aufzeichnung: Speculative Sentiment Index

Qualcuno ha provato ROBOTERO?

Ciao a tutti

Vorrei sapere se qualcuno ha provato Robotero con FXCM su Metatrader 4

Io ho provato la demo creando un account con l'unico broker supportato per la demo e i risultati sono decisamente buoni.

Se mi dite che funziona converto il mio account a metatrader :-)

Però mi piacerebbe avere un feedback... anche sulla modalità di pagamento, affidabilità/continuità del servizio


Kurzer Marktüberblick 24.10.2014

Dollar steigt auf breiter Ebene bei nachlassendem Sentiment; VPI stabil

Ein Fieber der Risikoneigung in den Aktienmärkten ließ in der letzten Handelszeit nach, und die Inflationsstatistiken für die US zeigten stabile – wenn auch unter dem Ziel – Werte. Wie reagierte der Dollar?


Reconciling differences between FXCM XML output and MarketDataSnapshot

Good morning!

We are having a bit of confusion reconciling MarketDataSnapshot.xlsm EOD data against the FXCM XML output.

In MarketDataSnapshot.xlsm we are using: getBidHigh(i), getBidLow(i), getBidClose(i). The output MarketDataSnapshot for 10/22/2014 21:00 is: High: 1.26766 Low: 1.26136 Close: 1.26526

We used the FXCM XML output (image below) for 10/22/2014 16:59:59 because the high/low resets at 17:00 and we could not figure out another way to get the day's high/low corresponding to the day's close. The XML High: 1.2741, Low: 1.2636, Close: 1.26448. (Note: This close is from an XML output at 17:05 using the "PreviousClose" field. Taking the midprice of the 16:59:59 Bid/Ask yields a calculated close of 1.26508.

So, even accounting for a one second lag, we see unexpected differences between the values, especially the posted closes. And while we would expect some difference in the high OR the low if the market were trading there at the close, a difference in both seems suspect. Here is our data summary:

High Low Close

.NET 1.26766 1.26136 1.26526

XML 1.2741 1.2636 1.26448 (or 1.26508 calculated)

Any insights into the differences would be greatly appreciated!


Dear Jason

where is KOM

I think many FXCM clients need it back