lundi 29 juin 2015

Real volume indicators


I'm very new on FXCM plateform, and I discovered just a few days ago the real volume indicator.
I have watched a 1 hour long video about it and i do believe i understand how it works.

I do understand it is calculated *only* with FXCM traders, which is supposed to be enough people to show something close to the world wide statistic...
However, i often see the chart going in a very opposite way of the indicator, here is an example :

Name: jt8Dn.png Views: 7 Size: 58.1 KB

This is EUR/USD, this Monday June the 29th

On this chart we can clearly see the EUR/USD has been more SOLD than bought all the day long, but still the price is going up.
The black part of the indicator show the net value, and is clearly SOLD all the day long.

So, is it me who is misunderstanding something ?
Or is it that the vast majory of FXCM users have been selling all day long when the rest of the world were buying it ?

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