mercredi 18 février 2015

OnTableUpdates Function of IO2GResponseListener - Problem

Hi there,

I am trying to catch an update when a new Trade is added to the trades table. OnTableUpdate function does not catch a when a trade is added - but does catch an event when the trade is closed (table update type = deleted)

Public Sub onTablesUpdates(ByVal response As O2GResponse) Implements IO2GResponseListener.onTablesUpdates

Dim factory As O2GResponseReaderFactory = mSession.getResponseReaderFactory()

If (factory IsNot Nothing) Then

Dim updatesReader As O2GTablesUpdatesReader = factory.createTablesUpdatesReader(response)

Dim i As Integer = 0

For i = 0 To updatesReader.Count - 1

Dim tableType As O2GTableType = updatesReader.getUpdateTable(i)

If (tableType = O2GTableType.Trades) Then

Dim trade As O2GTradeRow = updatesReader.getTradeRow(i)

'If (trade.OfferID = g_CurrPair) Then

'Dim msg As String =

Dim updateType As O2GTableUpdateType = updatesReader.getUpdateType(i)

'"OfferId: " & trade.OfferID & " BuySell: " & trade.BuySell & " Amount : " & trade.Amount


'End If

End If

i = i + 1


End If

End sub

Please help we are using a us account

many thanks

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